Fastener,Electrical Appliance (high, low voltage),Electrotechnical Porcelain,Household Electrical Refrigerating Appliance,
Established in1984£¬Zhejiang Z&A electricis a p rofessionalm anufacturero fw allsw itches,so ckets,p lugs
andl amph olders.M osto fo urit emsh aveg otIS O9001,C CC,C E,N ORM,c ertification.A fterm oret han2 0
years'p ersistentp romotiona ndp erfectse rvice£¬ourp roductsa ree njoyinga g reatsh arein t hein ternational
marketa nda rew arm welcomedb ym orea ndm orec ustomers.B ys elf-managemente xportationa ndO EM
workfo rm oret han2 0y ears;o urp roductsh aveb eene xportedt oM iddleE ast,A frica,L atinA merica,S outhern
Asia,a ndE uropeanc ountries.If w eg etth iso pportunityto c ooperatew ithy ou,w ea rec onfidentth ato ur
professionalex periencein e lectricli new illp rovet oy out hatZ &Ae lectricis o neo fyo urB ESTs uppliersh ere
inC hinab ecauseZ &Ae lectrics upportyo uw ithc ompetitivep ricea ndh ighq ualityp roducts.Y oua re
sincerely welcomed to join Z&A electric to expand your market.